Here is a brief video from Wellington airport after the wind turned to the south and increased in strength and the rain set in.
#CantBeatWellingtonOnANiceDay 😂
It's wonderful to climb the liquid mountains of the sky, Behind me and before me is God and I have no fears.
— Helen Keller, at age 74, on flight around the world, news reports of 5 February 1955
Here is a brief video from Wellington airport after the wind turned to the south and increased in strength and the rain set in.
#CantBeatWellingtonOnANiceDay 😂
On Saturday. I realised yesterday that I had not flown for about a month. Furthermore I wasn't current on the C172. So, rather than a couple of circuits, I went for a dual ride to do some turns, stalls, a FLWOP, low flying and a rejoin. Fun times and I feel rather more current now.
Following this I got to be ballast on a type rating flight, as part of a MAUW [Maximum All Up Weight] check. Again, fun times, and it's always good to sit in the back as someone else is flying the plane! The aircraft was Wellington Aero Club's Piper PA28-161, ZK-KAT.
Here are a few pictures on my ballast ride.
Next weekend should be interesting also, as I'm going to fly a Piper PA38-112. Fun times indeed!