Saturday, April 09, 2011

Round and round and round we go...

A quiet day today for me, although I did get to go up as a passenger for a few circuits in the Club's Piper PA28R-201 Arrow, ZK-EIF, while someone was getting some dual time.

All good and just a couple of photos of the airfield and circuit area.

As for tomorrow afternoon, probably some painting and/ or paint scraping at the Club's "new" hanger [for the Club members reading this, we could do with a bit of a hand! :-) ].


  1. So the "new" hangar - I saw some activity the other day that suggests it's the old Airwork hangar down on George Bolt St? If so, that's a long walk from the club rooms.

  2. Hi Allister,

    Yep, that's the one. It is a long walk, but would seem to be very handy to the shopping centre...



  3. That looks like some mighty fine flying gonig on there. Mighty fine.

  4. And some mighty fine spelling going on.

  5. Yes there was Mr/ Mrs/ Ms Anonymous :-)
