Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mainly lighties

It's easy to see the difference between the weather today and what we had last weekend! Last weekend was grey, gloomy and raining, today has been bright and dry.

Needless to say, there has been a lot of Club flying today, including Piper PA28R-201, ZK-EIF, which hasn't been flying for a couple of months. Also, we had a Canterbury Aero Club visitor, in the form of another Piper PA28R-200, ZK-DUY. The difference between the -200 and -201? The -200 has the slab wing [sometimes also called the Hershey wing, because it's shaped like a chocolate bar!], and the -201 has a more complex shape.

Other aircraft included Cessna 172R, ZK-NAD from Nelson Aviation College, and lastly, something a little bigger, Aerospatiale-Alenia ATR72-212A, ZK-MCP, of Mount Cook Airline with its plain white rudder.



  1. DUY smells stranger inside, but goes faster than EIF. Is there a connection?

    Many a happy hour going places in both of them.

  2. EIF is not the fastest Arrow around, but it is well equipped... don't know about DUY.

    As for the aromatic qualities of each of them, I don't know. If you are who I think you might be, Mr Anonymous, perhaps it has something to do with your deodorant? ha ha ha

    If you are not who I was thinking of, then perhaps there's another reason :-)

  3. OK, so I've just worked out who left the above comment... ha ha ha ha ha. Hello JH!

  4. You’d expect any personal odour issued to be consistent from aircraft to aircraft though right?

    DUY is just a basic VFR set-up plus a G430, but she goes like the clappers. I haven’t flown EIF since the renaissance era GPS was removed, so maybe she goes faster without that?

  5. I guess it depends on how many onions you had been eating at the time :-)

    I suspect that DUY would be much lighter with the VFR fitout, probably cruises at around 135 knots, easily? Also, it would have the slab wing - I wonder if that reduces drag somewhat? I dunno, certainly less lift than EIF's wing (even before all of the vortex generators on it)
