Friday, September 07, 2012

London City & "Emirates"

In my previous post, I promised something a little odd. I said "Next post will include an interesting perspective of a London area airport from an "Emirates aircraft", without boarding Emirates or going to any of their destinations!".

Well, here it is. Yesterday I went looking around London, and came across the "Emirates Air Line" cable car! It's new [opened in late June 2012 from memory], and among the rest of the views, it offers good views of London City Airport [ICAO: EGLC]! Most of my photos were blurred, here are a couple of the cable car system and one of the airport.

In this photo you can see the runway and the terminal smack in the middle. What can't be seen just below and left of the terminal is what appears to be a corporate jet park.

BTW - I'm flying from London City Airport to Edinburgh in a couple of days, so hopefully some more photos from that.

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