Monday, September 17, 2012

National Museum of Scotland - National Museum of Flight # 5

This is my last post from the National Museum on Flight at East Fortune, and I've selected a few aircraft from yet another hanger. This one contained a real surprise... a [presumably formally] Australian registered de Havilland - I don't have further details [without making one of my horribly wrong guesses], so if you can fill in the details, that would be much appreciated!

If you are ever up around Edinburgh, this museum is well worth a visit! There's plenty more to do than what I have shown, including various other buildings with displays, something for the kids, a cafe etc etc. You can easily spend 4 or more hours here [as we did] - so well worth the visit!

Anyway, the other aircraft are:

BAe Jetstream J31, G-JSSD
de Havilland DH104 Dove 6, G-ANOV, [UK] Civil Aviation Authority
Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer Series 3, G-BBVF
Britten-Norman BN2A-26 Islander, G-BELF, Scottish Ambulance Service

and... finally... hosts and tour guides for my brief stay in Edinburgh, Ken and Moira! Thanks guys!!

1 comment:

  1. I can tell by looking at it that it's a DH84 Dragon, but I went a little further and found some more detail for you.
