Sunday, September 16, 2012

National Museums Scotland - National Museum of Flight # 1

Ok, so still in catch up mode, but this will be worth while...

While staying in Edinburgh, Moira, Ken and I took a trip out to Scotland's National Museum of Flight at East Fortune, an old airbase and civilian airfield. The only flying that happens there now is some microlight activity, but what I was really interested in was the museum side of things.

The museum is spread throughout one part of the old airfield, in a number of [mainly old] hangers and other buildings. The big attraction was in the new hanger building, and was one of the original Concords, in this case, an ex British Airways example, G-BOAA! Yay! In addition to the various Concord exhibits, the main part of the hanger was taken up with a Concord that could be walked around and through.

What follows are a few of the pictures I took of it. Note the picture of me "flying" it and of standing beside the nose gear :-) Pictures from the rest of the museum will be in the following posts.

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