Monday, October 08, 2012

Last post [well, maybe :-)] from the Mosquito launch airshow

OK, here are a number of photos of from the Mosquito launch airshow. Instead of my usual tactic of only detailing a few aircraft at time, I'm publishing a "random" assortment of aircraft from throughout the day. Some old, some newer, all interesting in their own right.

I hope you enjoy these, and yes, there are a few Mosquito pictures in here if you look hard :-)


  1. It's a pity we didn't meet up Rodney, it certainly was a special day for all us aviation nuts. I also note that in the background of the Yak ZK-SSR photo you can see good old JGP sitting there ready to transport us back to the Tron.

  2. Gidday mate! Good airshow, eh? Looked like a good day to fly up and back!
