Sunday, October 28, 2012

What a lovely day for a flight!

A month after my last flight [and dual at that], today's weather was good enough for me to go for a solo flight to refresh my skills in the Club's Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT. The recent winds died down, and the cloud was high enough to not only go for a flight, but to also carry out all the manoeuvres I wanted to - Stalls, turns, simulated forced landings, slow flight, followed by a few circuits back at Wellington. Total time was 1.5 hours of fun, and it's amazing how little power a C172 needs to keep flying with only one person in board!

In other excitement, two business jets arrived today. I'm not sure of the details of who and why, but I'm sure that will come out soon enough.

The first aircraft is Boeing 737-7JF BBJ, P4-LIG. It appears from internet searches that this aircraft may be owned/ operated by Petroff Air, a Russian operator which appears to register its aircraft in Aruba.

The second is an FAA registered Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global Express, N264A, and registered to a finance and leasing company. Interestingly, FAA records show that this aircraft is classified as Experimental and a category of Research and Development and an airworthiness date of 20/12/2002. Hmmm... any ideas?


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