Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another flight today

I had planned to have a flight in the Club's Cessna 172N, but with the wind getting up, and the winds being gusty, variable and with a crosswind [particularly at the northern end], I decided against it. Instead I took a dual flight in the Club's Piper PA28-161 Warrior, ZK-MBG.

I hadn't flown a PA28 in a wee while so this was always going to be a bit of fun. Today was no exception, but mainly because of the turbulence we encountered on every takeoff... it seems every time I go up in a PA28, I end up hitting my head a few times... ha ha ha!

Anyway, after a bunch of circuits and some turns and a lot of holding, I managed a few circuits and didn't manage to embarrass myself too much :-)

Pictures are of the Warrior [note the dark clouds in the background] and two pictures of a Piper PA28R-200 Arrow, ZK-DUY, registered to Canterbury Aero Club which arrived today.

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