Sunday, December 09, 2012

More flying and a wee bit of air-to-air

I got to go flying again today, this time as a passenger. Apart from some practice for one of the pilots, it was a chance to get some air-to-air photographs of the Nanchang CJ-6A, ZK-MAO.

It all went well enough. It was a wee bit lumpy, and the "camera ship" was a Piper Arrow [unfortunately, the club's C172 was out of service], both of which made it hard to get even reasonable photos, but such is life. 

Here are some of the photos.

There are a few photos from the flight. First is looking south-east, then north up the Hutt Valley and then looking over Wellington Airport. next up are the two pilots, a picture of the Nanchang after start-up on the ground, and finally, two air-to-air shots of the Nanchang. Enjoy!


  1. Thank you Allister. The two shots of the Nanchang are two of the best three... I need more experience and the results will be even better :-).

    A long way to go :-)
