Sunday, January 06, 2013

Up to Vegas - Wanga-Vegas that is

Today started off really nice - well, hot with low winds and so early afternoon Kai and I took the Club's Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT for a trip to up Wanganui. After leaving Wellington, we stopped off at Paraparaumu to drop off a Club instructor before continuing to Wanganui.

To say the visibility was great, would understate things somewhat! Around Foxton, we could clearly see Mt Ruapehu and Mt Taranaki - unusual to say the least.

Anyway, Kai landed us at Wanganui where we hopped out for 30 minutes or so to stretch the legs. After pre-flighting the aircraft for the return flight, we got the extra thrill of a de Havilland DH112 Venom Mk1, which I believe was ZK-VNM based at Ohakea Airbase, performing a flypast. Nice! After watching a couple of passes down the runway [I'll see if I can get some video at some stage], plus approach and overshoots, we jumped in the Cessna to head back.

This was my turn to fly and it was all fine, until getting back into the Wellington Control Zone where a bit of low cloud and the increasing and gusty winds made for a bit of fun. As I sit at home writing this, I'm glad we made it back when we did, as it's now back to being somewhat foggy...

Anyway, I only have two photos - the first is the panel from the C172's panel as Kai flew us north [note: wings level, neither climbing or descending, even the ball is in the middle - all at the same time! :-)], and the second is a Jabiru J230 UL, ZK-STA and registered to a New Plymouth address.

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