Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Waitangi Day flight

Today is New Zealand's Waitangi Day holiday, and with the nice weather we are having I went for a flight around Palliser Bay [east of Wellington] to practice stalls, turns and forced landings in the Club's Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT. It was a bit cloudy, and in places, hazy, but after doing a simulated forced landing, the weather had cleared up plenty good enough to climb up just above 3000' for some stalls, followed by another forced landing.

After all this I headed back to Wellington for a few circuits. Being a public holiday, the airport was fairly quiet, and I managed to slip in between the small amount of commercial traffic with no delays. It all went good and with the southerly wind, the flying was "smooth as" :-)

My next flight is booked for this Saturday, where I'm hoping for much of the same, plus perhaps a bit of low flying :-)

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