Monday, March 25, 2013

Royal Brunei airlines [Sultan's Flight] brings the Sultan of Brunei to Wellington

Day-in and day-out, nothing much interesting seems to happen at Wellington airport, so when something really unusual turns up, it's worthy of an early morning start to make sure I get some pictures.

Yesterday I heard that the Sultan of Brunei was to visit Wellington - the only question being which of his aircraft would be bringing him... So, it was an earlier than usual start to get out to the airport - not so early that it was dark, but hopefully not to late to see the arrival.

I wasn't disappointed! Around 8am the Sultan's Boeing 767-27G/ER, V8-MHB, appeared and landed, taxiing to park between the RNZAF's apron and the Wellington Aero Club hanger.

I can't imagine that I'll ever get to see the inside and equally I doubt very much that it has anything much in common with a normal B767's interior! Anyway, here are the pictures.

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