Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lifeflight Open Day 2013

Today was the Life Flight [air ambulance] open day for 2013.

I popped down to the Life Flight hanger for an hour or so this afternoon to have a look around and to get some photos. The open day is designed to raise awareness of what Life Flight does [air ambulance and helicopter rescue charity], and every year it seem to attract a good crowd who enjoy the atmosphere and attractions.

In addition to the aircraft [a British Aerospace J32 Jetstream, ZK-LFW, and a Kawasaki BK117 B-2, ZK-HLF], there were airport and Fire Service fire engines, Police, Ambulance, Coastguard and Aviation Security displays and equipment. I also got to see a winching demonstration off the back of an airport fire truck.

All in all, a good day which was enjoyed by all!

If you want to find out more, or to donate to this charity, visit the Life Flight website for details [click here].

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