Friday, July 05, 2013

Passing of a former Wellington Aero Club life member and instructor

Former Wellington Aero Club instructor and life member, Bill Coulter passed away earlier this year. In late April his ashes were scattered over water from a Club aircraft. I was fortunate enough to be there as the aircraft went out and came back, and I have two of photos of that day to share [the delay is because I was waiting until they had been published in the Club's Windsock magazine first].

I'm not going to repeat the obituary that appeared in Windsock [it's available for Club members and supporters on our Facebook page], but I did want to share two photos of the water cannon salute from the Airport Fire service as the aircraft [Cessna 172 ZK-FLT] taxied back to the Club. It's the first, and very likely the last, time I see a Cessna 172 getting a water cannon salute!

I hope you like the photos. You will need to click on them to get a bigger version. Remember, if you are a member or supporter of the Club, check out the full article in the Windsock - it's well worth the read!

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