Saturday, July 27, 2013

That was fun... and here's hoping for tomorrow night

Today's fun was a flight in the Aero Club's Piper PA28-161, ZK-MBG. I had not flown anything for just over 2 months and I hadn't flown a PA28 for over 5 months, so it was good to get back into the air! Today's flight was dual [with an instructor] and consisted of a number of turns, a couple of simulated forced landings and back for some circuits at Wellington. We ran out of time for some solo circuits, but such is life.

As for tomorrow night, I'm hoping to start off a night rating in the PA28! A night rating [which will allow me to fly by myself and with passengers at night] has been right up there on my list of things to do, so I may as well get it over and done with :-) Assuming the weather is good enough, there will be more more details in the next couple of days... I can't wait!

In other news, here are a couple of visitors. First up is a Partenavia P68C, ZK-LAK, from Flight Training Manawatu which stopped off for a couple of hours. Next is a Diamond DA40, ZK-MTD, from Massey University School of Aviation. The final photo is a file photo of the PA28 I took flying today.


File Photo