Sunday, September 08, 2013

Flight over the Marlborough Sounds

I went for a nice scenic flight over part of the Marlborough Sounds today. You'll see from the photos that the weather looked awesome, although with the gentle breeze around, there was a bit of turbulence at times. all fun though - nothing too jarring.

The photos sum it up pretty nicely... I'm sure you will agree that it's an incredibly scenic part of the country and it's one I always enjoy flying over. Top to bottom we have:

Most of the eastern shoreline of Awatapu Island
Northern part of Awatapu Iasland looking south-west towards Queen Charlotte Sound
Queen Charlotte Sound looking towards Picton
[Foreground left to right] Awatapu Island, Long Island, Motuara Island looking south-west
Southern portion of of Port Gore
Airstrip in Port Gore
Looking east towards Wellington on the Sinclair Arrival procedure