Saturday, October 12, 2013

Peter Jackson's Gulfstream G650 and my flying...

... no, not me flying in the G650 :-)

Today's picture is my first of Peter Jackson's new Gulfstream G650, and the latest aircraft to carry the ZK-KFB registration marks. The aircraft is registered to Execujet and is based at Execujet's Wellington facility. The photo's not the greatest, but I'm sure I'll get better in the near future.

In other news, I went flying today in the aero club's Piper PA28-161, ZK-MBG. Today was just a chance for some dual [ie: with an instructor] practice at the manoeuvres I'll need to demonstrate for my BFR [Biennial Flight Review] which is due next month. Manoeuvres included turns, stalls, a forced landing, low flying and some circuits. Awesome fun!

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