Saturday, January 25, 2014

More from Otaki

In addition to flying up to Otaki and back again [see previous post] there was plenty to do at Otaki. Everyone got to go for a local flight. For club students, this was a chance to practice in uncongested airspace and to practice forced landings and overhead rejoins. For me, it meant an opportunity to do a few circuits and practice landings on a shorter [about 750 meters usable] grass strip with a crosswind. Fun times!

Added to this were the friendly locals who provided a BBQ and gas cylinder and we provided some meat, bread etc for a very tasty lunch [and thanks to Amy for organising this, along with the rest of the day!].

Overall a great day! I know there are a lot of pilots [both licenced and students] who are looking forward to the next trip. I think this is planned to be D'Urville Island in February. Very very nice!

Here are a few more pictures from the day. Top to bottom we have:

Otaki airfield's hanger and "workshop" area
American Champion 8KCAB Super Decathlon, ZK-DCL
Cessna 172N, ZK-EHH. I last saw this aircraft at D'Urville Island in March 2012

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