Sunday, April 06, 2014

2014 Royal Tour of New Zealand

I guess most NZ-based plane watchers would have worked this out by now, but this coming week should be a very interesting times. If the royal tour is coming to a place near you, you might like to look out for the aircraft that will inevitably be involved. has details of dates and locations, and if you're in Wellington, there should be plenty of movements from the RNZAF Air Movements Apron during the week or so. Apart from arriving on an RNZAF B757 into Wellington [from Sydney], I do not have details of what aircraft will be involved in flying them to/ between other centres. I would imagine that the B757's would be doing most of the work though.

Unfortunately will be unable to get to Wellington Airport for most of the week... if anyone does see any interesting/ unusual aircraft that they are happy to share with the world, please email me [but it will take a few days for me to respond].

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