Saturday, April 26, 2014

404 - Destination not found!

[another title that might not make sense... oh well, congrats if you understand it!]

Today's interesting aircraft is this Canadair CL-600-2B16 Challenger, N404HG, registered to Chrysler Aviation, seen here departing and then arriving at Wellington. According to sources, this aircraft was conducting a medivac, including requesting priority for its first takeoff.

Unfortunately it had to return back to Wellington soon after takeoff. A while later it tried again, but again it had to return. It doesn't look like it declared an emergency, but I'm not sure why it had two attempts to get going before returning and parking up at the Execujet hanger. Hopefully everyone is OK.

Other pictures are of a Virgin Australia B737-8FE, ZK-PBK, still wearing the old Pacific Blue livery. lastly is a CTC Aviation operated Diamond DA42 Twinstar, ZK-CTM.


  1. Great aerial pics and weather also seems too perfect and windy.

  2. Hello

    Was the DA42 picture taken on the friday? If so, I was the PIC.

    Got any more twinstar photos?
