Sunday, May 04, 2014

Gloomy, but looking brighter [or darker]

Today is a bit gloomy with low cloud hanging around and a bit of drizzle, so no flying happening for me today.

There is a bit of good news however, and that is that, subject to weather, I (re)start my night rating next weekend! All I need is really good weather - high cloud [or none], low winds, no rain, all at the same time :-) - and I get to carry on with what I had hoped to do last year...

Anyway, here are a couple of Air NZ Airbus A320-232 aircraft. The first, ZK-OJH, services the trans-Tasman routes and appears to have been sitting at the international terminal since yesterday [maybe it went and came back already??].

The second is one of the newest A320's, ZK-OXC, which plies the domestic jet sectors.

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