Sunday, May 11, 2014

The night rating commences...

... ok, so it really started with a flight last year, but this is my first night flight of 2014. It was just a session of circuits in the Club's Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT. It was well after ECT [Evening Civil Twilight], but there was plenty of light around. I was kept on my toes with having to hold for other arrivals and departures as well as a fairly steady crosswind - about 20 degs right of centreline and 10-15 knots. Crunch, bounce and shimmy might be a reasonable description of many of my landings tonight!

From what I understand, the next session will consist of various system failures in the circuit [that should be fun!], maybe a bit of work out of the circuit then I'll probably be off on my first solo.

Here's hoping for good weather next Sunday evening!


  1. How did the headset go? ANR is a wonderful thing!

  2. Gidday mate. yeah, the ANR was fantastic. Nothing irritating or annoying about it at all, except that I will have to remember to adjust the intercom a little - intercom sounded a lot louder than I was expecting, but no worries with the ANR.

    Big smile all round :-)
