Sunday, June 01, 2014

13,000 feet up and all is well!

Weather wise, it has been a fantastic couple of days here in Wellington! Although cold, there has been very little wind, no cloud and combined with a long weekend, is making for perfect flying conditions.

Yesterday I took the Club's Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT, up for 1.5 hours. Another Club pilot [Hello Amy!] came for a ride and we headed out over the east coast of the lower North Island for a good look around. To get the best look around, we headed up to 13,000 feet [about 4 kms straight up], the highest we can fly without oxygen. The visibility was so good that we could see Mt Ruapehu to the north and had great views of the South Island [at least the northern parts] to the west and south. Fantastic!

ZK-FLT is only a 160hp model, so with fuel, 2 people and a couple of small bags it was struggling up at 200-300 feet/ minute at the end, but it was well worth it!

We came back overhead Martinborough and Featherston then down the Hutt Valley to Wellington.

I'm waiting for a few photos from the flight to arrive - I'll post these when they appear. Meanwhile, here's our aircraft for the day and a brief screen-grab from my phone on the way up [yeah, I forgot to get another one while up there - Amy got a photo of the altimeter, so I'll post that laters]. It's GPS-derived data - even so the altitude only about 100-200 feet out at any time and the speed is ground speed


  1. Hey Rodney, were you flying FLT round 12ish on Sat past?

  2. Hello 'minicooper'. Not, that would have been the person before me. I started up just before 1pm.

  3. Pity! I caught that take off and then had to carry on with life!
