Monday, June 02, 2014

I love long weekends!

Yep, I do. Especially when they coincide with weather that is great for flying! The past couple of days have been fantastic, and as you'll note from my previous post, I managed to take the Club's Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT up to 13,000 feet two days ago. Today's weather was fine - a bit more of a breeze and some cloud, but still very flyable.

Today I took the same aircraft up for a more local flight. I had intended heading off to practice various manoeuvres, but half way through the Pencarrow Departure procedure, I could see that that was never going to work out - lowering cloud and rubbish visibility had me obtain an alternative clearance up to the Hutt Valley [via the Pencarrow and Eastbourne sectors] where I did a few turns before heading back for some circuits.

All in all, a nice hour of flying. Here are a few photos I took. Top to bottom we have:

"Mid" Hutt Valley looking south towards the city/ aerodrome
Over the harbour, looking west to the city
Matiu/ Somes Island
Bluebridge ferry heading to dock in Wellington [pity about the reflection...]

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