Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More Met Stuff

After last weekend's post on some interesting sites for met related information, I received a txt with another site to look at [Thanks RF... thought you might have an idea or two!]. This led me to explore a little further at some of the links from that main site.

So, first up we have Chris Noble's weather.noble.gen.nz site. This site contains a lot of interesting met info, including charts, weather-related news [that involves Metservice in some way] and links to a range of fascinating met sites, some of which I have linked to below. I'll definitely be spending more time on this site just exploring what's available. Click here for weather.noble.gen.nz.

Next up is Skyvector. Skyvector Claims to chart the sigmet information onto a chart, along with the original wording of the sigmet. This info is extremely helpful for pilots wanting to avoid the worst weather, although, for the type of flying I do, it's usually fairly obvious how bad it is [or is going to get]. It appears that Skyvector contains a lot of other information, including aerodrome information and aviation forecasts and reports for international aerodromes [actually, it appears that other countries share met for more than just the international aerodromes]. The big caveat is that none of this is certified, so should not be used inflight or for planning purposes... but then, I suppose I could say that about most of the other sites I've linked to. Click here for Skyvector.

Last up is the National Climate Database ["Cliflo"] from NIWA. This one I'll have to spend some more time looking at. It's clearly different from the others [read that as: complicated for my simple brain!], but I suspect has some very interesting info in it. I'm not sure that it will be useful for my flying as I prefer something that is quick and easy to digest.... pictures!. Access is free, although it does require a login. The signup process is rather detailed, but simple enough. I'll have another look when I have some spare time! Click here for cliflo.

Lastly, a picture. This one taken from wikipedia. A very weird cloud indeed!


  1. That cloud formation, can be seen in north Queensland Australia.

  2. That would look pretty spectacular (at least the first time I suppose)!


