Saturday, June 28, 2014

Preparations and flying stuff

There will be a busy few weekends coming up for me with house renovations [exterior painting] and preparation for my next overseas holidays in full swing. I did manage to get out to the Aero Club for a few hours, got to see Amy eating KFC [a most unusual event! :-)] and took a couple of photos.

The two photos I am publishing are of the Club's Piper PA38-112, ZK-TAW, which is back flying after a few months off for maintenance. The second is an ATR-GIE ATR72-212A, ZK-MVA, of Mount Cook Airline [Air NZ] and in the airlines All Black livery.

I'm hoping that there will be a couple more posts before I depart for some well earned holidays. while on holiday, posts may slow somewhat, but I hope to have some interesting photos from my holiday destinations as well as enroute.

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