Saturday, July 26, 2014

It's back...

Finally, after several months laid up, the Wellington Aero Club's Piper PA28-161, ZK-MBG is back online and sporting a new paint job.

I understand that it may receive more detail at some stage, but for now it is great to have it back!

The other aircraft spotted today is a Eurocopter EC130 B4, ZK-IUP, registered to Over The Top Ltd, of a Wakatipu, Queenstown address.

Lastly, I'm heading off on holiday. I'm not sure how regular any updates might be, but I'll try to get at least one or two in over the next few weeks. If it goes quiet though, it just means I'm enjoying myself in some sunshine!


  1. That's Kim Dotcom's Eurocopter.

  2. happy holiday for you Rodney.....and somehow seeing this post, the plane back in commission, gives me hope.....

    happy trails,
    Liz ~*
