Saturday, August 30, 2014

A great day to aviate!

After not flying since 2 June [ok - I was on holiday for 4 of those weeks!], I got back behind the controls of the Aero Club's Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT today. A total of 1.1 hours, starting with some dual circuits followed by some by myself.

The weather was good - a gentle breeze, a slight cross wind meant I had to stay alert, but I could still enjoy it. With all of the terrain around Wellington, there were a few lumps and bumps, especially when downwind, but nothing to much.

I was a wee bit rusty. Combine that with what was probably a tailwind component on final approach and it was a go-around for the first circuit [grrrr!] but all safe enough. The remaining circuits included hit the ground softly enough, so good.

I'm hoping for some good weather in September so I can knock off a couple more hours.

Anyway, the pictures. First up is a Bombardier CL-600-1B16 Challenger, VH-VSZ. This aircraft is registered to Execujet in Australia and I understand it may have flown here direct from Perth, Australia a couple of days ago. It left this afternoon. Second is the Club's Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT.

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