Sunday, October 19, 2014

Another flight today

It has been a good weekend as I managed to get another local flight in WAC's Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT. Unlike yesterday which where I did some turns, a FLWOP and some circuits, this one was all about having a bit of fun.

Grant [another Club pilot] and I went out to Palliser Bay for a look around. As you can see in some of the photos, the weather was hardly what you'd call sunny, and there was some low cloud [around 1100' in places] and rain, but there was still plenty to see, including waterfalls along the Rimutaka Ranges. We also headed out to the Pinnacles [rock formations on the eastern side of Palliser Bay] before returning to Wellington. All done in 1 hour. Easy!

Anyway, here are a couple of photos from Grant. The first is rounding Turakirae Head at 1000', the second is over Lake Onoke at 1500' with Ferry township in the centre-right looking south-east.

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