Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Some good weather would be nice...

... as I have a couple of aviation related activities planned in the coming week.

First up is a night flight tomorrow [Wednesday night, NZ time]. This will probably just be a few circuits to keep me current and competent, but we'll see.

Saturday, I will be at the Wings Over Wairarapa airshow in Masterton. I will mostly be at the Wellington Aero Club stand although I hope to wander around for a couple of hours to have a look and get some pictures. If you come to the airshow, you're welcome to pop in and say hi - we should have our Piper PA28-161, ZK-MBG on the stand so we'll be easy to find.


  1. Planning to be there on Saturday, will pop over and say hi and put a face to the blog!

  2. That would be good! See you there.
