Sunday, January 18, 2015

Wings Over Wairarapa: Very old to very new

I don't think that too many people would doubt that the Wright Brothers flew first, but that might, in part at least, be due to a lack of verifiable evidence from one of New Zealand's aviation pioneers. Richard Pearce was rumoured to have flown a few months before the Wright Brothers, and the airshow included a replicate of Pearce's flying machine. I'm not sure if I it airborne on the day [again, I was in the wrong location to be able to see, but it's an interesting aircraft none-the-less.

More information can be found here and here. Anyway, on to the pictures.

Mudrovcich Pearce 1903 replica, ZK-RPT

Fokker DR1 Dreidecker

Hughes 369D, ZK-HRI, registered to Wairarapa Helicopters... look closely, the passenger is getting a photograph of the crowd

Czech Aircraft Works Sportcruiser, ZK-SXY, of Aerosport Aviation Ltd. The "decoration" is a bit naff [check out what is likely the "model" for this: Kalula Airlines B737], but would be a nice plane to fly.

Pilatus PC12/47E, ZK-TFL, registered to Instra Aviation of a Wellsford address

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