Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Abu Dhabi Amiri Flight Boeing 787-8 arrives at Wellington

Today's exciting news was the arrival of an Adu Dhabi Amiri Flight Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, A6-PFC, into Wellington less than an hour ago.

I understand that the aircraft is here in support of the UAE team in a Cricket World Cup game tomorrow. The aircraft arrived direct from Nadi, Fiji.

Unfortunately it arrived right on dark, so the photos are not very good at all. These are the best two that I had [and yes, I had to brighten them somewhat]. Unfortunately I probably won't get to see it's departure.... I had to scrape myself off my deathbed :-( to get these... damn man flu!

Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, A6-PFC, Abu Dhabi Amiri Flight

Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, A6-PFC, Abu Dhabi Amiri Flight


  1. Thanks Rodney !!!!

  2. Good shots in the circumstances, thanks for the effort Rodney.

    Wonder if this is the best support for a cricket team in the World Cup? Can't imagine other teams getting a brand-spanking Dreamliner to cruise around in.

  3. Thanks Anon and Andrew - I suspect the cricketers are already here, and so probably someone "senior"... but that's just a guess...

  4. Do you know when it departs Rodney?

  5. Thanks you Michael! I don't have any info I can provide about departure. The bets I can suggest is follow this website link

    I'd guess sometime after the UAE vs Zimbabwe cricket game in Nelson, later today

  6. Hi all,

    For those that are interested... it appears the B787 is heading off at about 2:10. Details online here:

  7. Nowt to do with the cricket. See here:

  8. Flightradar showed flight originating from Canberra not Fiji as earlier posted
