Thursday, February 12, 2015

Helicopters at Wellington

I arrived back in Wellington today after my brief holiday in Whanganui. I only had an hour or so at the aero club, but I did sight a couple of interesting helicopters.

The first one is a Nelson-Malrborough rescue helicopter, a Kawasaki BK117 B2, ZK-IMN, registered to Garden City Helicopters of a Christchurch address.

The other helicopter is a NATO Helicopter Industries NH90, NZ3301, operated by the RNZAF. This arrived and shut down at the RNZAF Air Movements Base just down the apron from the Aero Club.

Kawasaki BK117 B2, ZK-IMN, registered to Garden City Helicopters of Christchurch

Kawasaki BK117 B2, ZK-IMN, registered to Garden City Helicopters of Christchurch

Nato Helicopter Industries NH90, NZ3301, registered to the RNZAF

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