Sunday, February 01, 2015

RNZAF Orion at Wellington

Today's surprise visitor was an RNZAF Lockheed P3K2 Orion, NZ4202.

I hadn't seen one of these in a long time. Last photograph was a P3K on the missed approach at Wellington back in December 2013. The last time I got close to one was in March 2012 at the RNZAF 75th anniversary open day/ airshow.

Lockheed P3K2 Orion, NZ4202, operated by the RNZAF

Lockheed P3K2 Orion, NZ4202, operated by the RNZAF

Lockheed P3K2 Orion, NZ4202, operated by the RNZAF. This shows off the MAD* quite nicely!

Lockheed P3K2 Orion, NZ4202, operated by the RNZAF

Lockheed P3K2 Orion, NZ4202, operated by the RNZAF. Shutting down the outer engines

*MAD - Magnetic Anomaly Detector. That thing which helps detect underwater submarines, and I suppose ships in low cloud?

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