Sunday, March 15, 2015

Flight in a Nanchang CJ6

Today I had the pleasure of being a passenger in a Nanchang CJ6, ZK-MAO, courtesy of one of the syndicate members [Thanks Erich!]. The CJ6 is a Chinese designed and built aircraft, and was designed as an abinitio trainer for the PLAAF. This particular aircraft is owned by a syndicate and is based at Wellington Aero Club.

The trip was a quick trip out to the southern Wairarapa area for some gentle turns and a bit of a look around. Fun!

The aircraft is a nice one to sit in... quite utilitarian [as one would expect!] but very roomy. The instruments are the original Chinese instruments, except for the altimeter which was required to be changed [The Chinese use metric instruments, but the altimeter is the critical one]. It also has a digital g-meter installed in the front cockpit.

If you're interested in being a part owner in this aircraft, the syndicate is to be reformed very shortly. I can put you in touch with the syndicate representatives if you are interested. I understand you'll need at least a PPL and 100 hrs total time, but the syndicate is best placed to give you all of the information.

Anyway, on to a few pictures from the flight.

Turns in the southern Wairarapa

Looking north on the Pencarrow Arrival procedure into Wellington

Miramar Peninsula, looking South

An old gun emplacement on the hills around Strathmore as be departed. These are easily accessible by foot and are a great place to take photos!

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