Saturday, March 07, 2015

The first decent storm of the year...

The first decent storm of the year arrived and left today, with high winds, some hail, thunder and lightening. I quite like storms, and unfortunately it didn't last long enough :-)

Obviously there was no Club flying today. Maybe there will be some tomorrow.

None of this stopped the commercial operations at Wellington though, as this and the following two posts will show.

First up I have pictures of a couple of ATR72-212A's. ZK-MVA and ZK-MVB are both operated by Mount Cook Airline/ Air New Zealand. ZK-MVA of course is the All Black livery, and ZK-MVB shows off the new standard Air NZ livery,

ATR-GIE ATR72-212A, ZK-MVA, operated by Mount Cook Airline/ Air NZ

ATR-GIE ATR72-212A, ZK-MVB, operated by Mount Cook Airline/ Air NZ

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