Saturday, June 04, 2016

Flight around Kapiti Island today!

Today's weather was perfect for flying, so I got to take mum and dad up for a flight out of Wellington and around Kapiti Island. We departed to the south-west [the Sinclair Departure], followed the coastline to Pukerua Bay, then across to Kapiti Island. The return flight was back to Pukerua Bay, then Haywoods [power station], then the Eastbourne Arrival.

All the pictures and video comes from mum's iPad [who has clearly been practicing, since the photos and video are so good! :-)]. The pictures are as labelled, and the videos are part of the takeoff and the final approach. Enjoy!

Just after takeoff

Heading north, looking east across the windfarm

Kapiti Island, looking north

Left-base to land, a picture of the old Mt Crawford Prison.

Short final approach


  1. Awesome! Yep great weather for a trip. I saw you go and return!! Didnt realise at the time though.

  2. Gidday minicooper, yeah, a great day for it.

  3. Nice Wellington day Roddo

    I am sure your Flight Commanders were suitably impressed.
