Friday, February 22, 2019

Flying NZ National Championships

Last week was the Flying NZ National Championships, this year hosted by North Shore Aero Club, on Auckland's North Shore at Dairy Flat.

Like last year, I was assisting in an official capacity, this year as the Deputy Chief Ground Judge. This meant two things - a lot of standing around in the hot sun, and, unfortunately for me, no flying this year. It also meant not much time for photography, although there is a lot of this scattered around Facebook in particular.

I flew on Air NZ to and from Auckland and, due to my being late to book accommodation, I managed three motels in 5 nights. The trip to Auckland was interesting, as it was my first flight on an Air NZ Airbus A321-271NX [an A321NEO], ZK-NNC. Somehow I scored a ride in seat 7C and the free wifi was working. A win all around!

The event itself was a lot of fun, with wildcard events on Wednesday, competitions on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and the dinner and Championship presentation dinner on Saturday. While I wasn't flying, I was assisting with any competitions requiring a landing grid [and ran the grid for the Jay Peters Professional Pilot competition], as well as being a judge in the 2 and 3 ship formation competitions. I also got to present the awards along with Paul and Lisa on Saturday night. It was a very busy time!

Anyway, here are a few photos from the trip.

The trip started in the Koru lounge in Wellington. Yum.

This was followed by boarding onto the A321.

Airbus A321-271NX, ZK-NNC, operated by Air New Zealand
The legroom was good in seat 7C.

The seats up front are quite comfortable. The sculpting provides good support without appearing to take much room away.

This must be my seat. The IFE system worked well, and was quite responsive. The only issue I had was that the computer and I have a difference of opinions as to my date of birth. No biggie, it just meant I could not access some personalised information, like my airpoints balance.

Lollies! Not sure where they went, but I have not eaten then, nor found them... I must go and have another look!

North Shore Aero Club were our hosts for this competition. They have a nice facility, fleet and are friendly yet professional. This would be a great place to learn to fly if you're on the Shore.

North Shore Aero Club facility
Flying NZ has just produced these fantastic sipper bottles! They are well insulated, with ice lasting for several hours, even with the very very hot days out on the landing grid. They'll keep hot drinks hot also. Well worth the small cost! I might get another one :-)

Flying NZ insulated sipper bottle
There's always something funny happening at a competition. Someone [who will remain nameless], called out that I have "nice legs". I'll take the compliment, even if I'm a bit suspicious about the sincerity of the comment! ha ha!

Anyway, that's it for this post! I may have a few more photos, but they are for another day.

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