Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wellington Aero Club is 90! (post 2 of 2)

Following on from yesterday's post, here are a few more photos from last weekend's open day.

Hopefully, those of you who were able to get there enjoyed the day! I know that many of you took the opportunity to take flight for your first lesson/ trial flight with one of the Aero Club's instructors [I've seen lots of FB posts which indicated this was a lot of fun!]. There were also lots of fantastic photos and videos taken, so thanks for sharing those!

Lastly, weather permitting, my next flight is this coming Saturday, where I'll be taking the Nanchang up to Whanganui for a brief visit. Maybe see you there?!

Beechcraft Kingair 350, NZ2353, operated by the RNZAF

Beechcraft Kingair 350, NZ2353, operated by the RNZAF

Kawasaki BK117 B2, ZK-HLF, operated by Helilink

BAC BAC167 Strikemaster Mk88, ZK-BAC, operated by BAC 167 Strikemaster Ltd

Nanchang CJ6A, ZK-MAO, operated by Wellington Aero Club

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