Sunday, December 08, 2019

Lifeflight Australia Ltd air ambulance

A surprise photo on Saturday morning was a Learjet 45, VH-CXJ, which is operated by Lifeflight Australia.

I haven't looked up when it arrived, but here it is departing Wellington mid-morning on Saturday. As you may be able to tell from the photos, the weather wasn't great. What you can't tell from the photos is that it was very windy wih a strong westerly component [up to 60 knots at 2000']. Unlikely to be a problem a few minutes after departure, but perhaps uncomfortable until then.

Anyway, here are the photos.

Learjet 45, VH-CXJ, operated by Lifeflight Australia

Learjet 45, VH-CXJ, operated by Lifeflight Australia


  1. The rubbish weather makes a striking background to the airborne shot. Nicely done.
