Thursday, January 09, 2020

Nelson Marlborough rescue helicopter

The Nelson Marlborough rescue helicopter, operated by GCH Aviation of a Christchurch address, has been in and out of Wellington recently.

Here are two pictures of the arrival and departure last Sunday.

Kawasaki BK117 B-2, ZK-IMN, operated by GCH Aviation

Kawasaki BK117 B-2, ZK-IMN, operated by GCH Aviation

As a bonus [and rather easy] question, take a look at the white object on the right skid [second picture, indicated by the arrow]. What is it and how might this be useful for a rescue helicopter?

Correct answers in the comments section on the blog. The prize is the respect and admiration of your peers 😁


  1. A good guess Blunt Arrow 4, but alas, it is not. It is a cylinder, but it is designed to help both patients and crew.


  2. No, not a liferaft Allister. Good thought though :-)

  3. OK I'll go with lateral thinking and try an external fuel tank to extend the range so we don't get wet feet.

  4. That's the one, Blunt Arrow 4. The crew landed and spent some time filling that tank, followed by the internal tank. :-)
