Tuesday, February 11, 2020

HBBPC 2020 - Super Cubs

Healthy Bastards always has a good select of Piper PA18 Super Cubs entered and this year was no exception. Here are a few of the Super Cubs that competed [I know I missed ZK-BTU for some reason...].

This first one, is a PA18A-150, ZK-BOY. The "A" means it is an ex-agricultural model, and the -150 is [should be] the engine horsepower. This is a local machine, being registered to a Blenheim address.
Piper PA18A-150, ZK-BOY

ZK-CVC is a PA18-150 model and is registered to a Seddon [so fairly local] address.

Piper PA18-150, ZK-CVC

ZK-BTX is a PA18 model and is regstered to a Hastings address.

Piper PA18, ZK-BTX
ZK-JLB is a PA18-135 model and is registered to a Blenheim address.

Piper PA18-135, ZK-JLB

Lastly, this is ZK-BKN, which is a PA18A-150 model and is also registered to a Blenheim address. I have many good memories of this aircraft from when it was at Wanganui Aero Club a few years ago. This was the aircraft I received by PA18 rating, which was my first, and so far remains my only, taildragger rating. Fun times!

Piper PA18A-150, ZK-BKN

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