Thursday, February 06, 2020

HBBPC 2020 - Various taildraggers

This is the first of three posts with some of the taildraggers at the HBBPC.

The STOL competition has three categories - microlight, light touring and heavy touring. Within these, many of the taildraggers may have had a slight advantage [except for the microlight category where those awesome Zenair CH701's took out the first 3 places], but it still comes down to pilot skill.

Anyway, on to the taildraggers.

First up is a Zlin Aviation Savage, ZK-KSC, registered to a Mairehau [Christchurch] address.

Zlin Aviation Savage, ZK-KSC

Next up is a SkyStar Kitfox IV, ZK-JFA, of a Kaiapoi address.

SkyStar Kitfox IV, ZK-JFA

The next aircraft is a Titan T51 Mustang, ZK-TCV. Unlike some of the other T51's in the country, this one is registered as an amateur built aeroplane, instead of a microlight, due to its MUAW being over the microlight category. It has a beautiful finish on it and is pretty much local being registered to a Nelson address.

Titan T51 Mustang, ZK-TCV

Last up for this post is a Murphy rebel, ZK-VAN, truly is local, being registered to a Blenheim address.

Murphy Rebel, ZK-VAN

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