Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Rockets and rubber bands

The last three or four weeks I have been looking at a Youtube channel called Flite Test. It's a channel with a lot of really cool radio-controlled aircraft [don't groan too loud!], with everything from what you might expect to flying hammers, kayaks and more.

It's pretty awesome!

I saw a video the other day which was a bit different. The Flite Test team did an episode on free flight models, some of which are rocket launched with spring-loaded wings and others which are powered by rubber bands. This includes an eight-engined monster right down to an extremely light inside-only model.

It's a pretty cool video, so I thought I would share it.

This may end up being a small series on model aircraft... I'll see how I feel and what reaction to get to this one. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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