Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Lock Down

Like where much of the rest of the world is heading, the Prime Minister of New Zealand announced on Monday 23 April 2020 that New Zealand had moved to Covid19 Alert Level 3, with a move to Level 4 on Wednesday [yesterday]. My understanding of Level 4 means the shutdown of all non-essential services and people remaining at home [with a few exemptions], including, working from home.

Clearly, this means there will be a massive reduction in air traffic over the next four weeks [minimum], and no opportunity to get out and fly myself around or to easily observe air traffic.

All aero clubs and other flight training/ recreational flying organisations must be closed by now and all private/ recreational flying is also prohibited.

So, there will obviously be a big reduction in the usual posting on this blog until this is lifted.

I will try and find some interesting posts from time to time. I do have content for one or two more posts after this one. I am thinking of a small series of interesting online videos that I have found from time to time and if you have any thoughts on that matter, please let me know!

I have already heard of people who seem either oblivious to, or who don't care about, the lockdown.

If you are like this, please don't be a dick. The lives of people are dependant on a few weeks of lockdown. There are very few people in this fine land who will tolerate that level of selfishness! If the lockdown is not obeyed, it is likely there will need to be an even longer period of lockdown. Be a #GreatNewZealander and we get through this much easier and faster.

For authoritative sources of information, I can recommend the following NZ Government sites:
[clearly this list does not include Twitter, Facebook other  media sites, or your mates 2nd cousin's aunty...!]

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