Thursday, June 18, 2020

Airbus A321-271NZ

It has been a while since I posted anything [oops!]. This has been more a lack of posting than a lack of photos, so over the next week or so I'll be catching up.

Early June I took some nice shots of an Air NZ operated Airbus A321-2761NX taxiing and departing Wellington one evening. I'm not sure if I prefer the taxiing picture in the sunlight, or the brightly lit background of the departure shot. I'm sure you'll let me know in the comments!

Airbus A321-271NX, ZK-NNF, operated by Air New Zealand

Airbus A321-271NX, ZK-NNF, operated by Air New Zealand


  1. For the record, I prefer the first shot. Great moody lighting that accentuates the aircraft without blowing out the highlights.

    I’ve noticed a lot more A321neo movements through Wellington compared to before lockdown. I was discussing this with my son earlier and noted there are SIX arrivals on Friday. I guess that will revert when the Tasman routes open up again.

  2. Thanks Alister

    It's going to be interesting when trans-Tasman opens again, although that could still be Christmas or later if things don't calm down in Australia (20-plus new cases yesterday)
