Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Last Sunday afternoon I got to take the Nanchang CJ6A, ZK-MAO, across to Omaka aerodrome for a maintenance check. As it was going to be there for a few days, a ride was organised to bring me back [thanks Malcolm!]. That ride was a Piper PA28-161, ZK-KAT, which is also operated by the Wellington Aero Club.

The ride back was a great opportunity to play with Avplan on my iPad mini, since I don't get to do this as much when I'm actually flying the aircraft. It was good fun and I learned a couple of things, particularly about how the terrain map works [short version: it's pretty good, although I sometimes had the impression the terrain was further away than in real life, not that we ever got that close!].

Anyway, here are a couple of photos from the 16 City Arrival back into Wellington. First up we are approaching the city from the west with the camera pointed south.

Here's the panel of ZK-KAT.

Piper PA28-161, ZK-KAT, the panel
Here's a really nice photo looking south over Mount Victoria to Island Bay and with the Miramar Peninsula and the airport on the left.

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