Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Marlborough Aero Club Cessna 172

Last weekend we had a quick visit from a Cessna 172E, ZK-OMR, which is operated by the Marlborough Aero Club from Omaka airfield.

It's a nice machine, with a mainly red fuselage and the rest being polished metal. From memory, it has a 180hp engine also, so it's got a lot of "up and go".

I've included a closeup of the decal on the tail - I've participated in the Health Bastards Bush Pilot Championships once and have watched a couple of times - it is a great spectacle but even better to participate in!

Cessna 172E, ZK-OMR, operated by Marlborough Aero Club

Decal on the tail of ZK-OMR

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