Friday, January 01, 2021

A new year? Must mean it's time to fly!

It's a new year and what better way to celebrate than go for a flight? 😁

Better still, this flight bought up my 50th hour in the Nanchang, in around 18 months since I started learning to fly it, even with a big Covid19 lock-down in the middle.

Even better still to have a passenger, so welcome aboard Wayne! 

Today's flight was around an hour out to Palliser Bay for a look around. We stuck to around 1500' the whole time and watched the hills, the sheep, more hills, a lighthouse and a few cars, houses and rivers float by at 250kph.

A great way to start a new year!

Anyway, just one photo [thanks for this Wayne] of the Nanchang Grin after our flight [see below for details on how to obtain your own Nanchang Grin].

Nanchang CJ6A, ZK-MAO, operated by Wellington Aero Club

Want your own Nanchang Grin? Shares are available (as at 1 January 2021). Click here for details on Trademe!

PS: I'm thinking this would have been the first Nanchang CJ6 flight anywhere in the world for 2021 [departure around 11:30 local time]. happy to be proven wrong, but equally happy to be right! 😂😂

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